When it comes to the military, few groups are more admired than special forces. While we honor all who serve, these elite units operate at the highest levels of military service and require a combination of skill, precision, and courage that has long fascinated firearm enthusiasts and history buffs alike. Whether it’s their use of cutting-edge weapons or the rigorous training programs that forge exceptional soldiers, there’s a level of mastery involved that goes beyond the scope of regular troops. From hostage rescues to counterterrorism and reconnaissance behind enemy lines, these teams are deployed for the most dangerous and complex operations.
In honor of the incredible men and women operating at this elite level of service, Firefield has decided to take a closer look at some of the most famous units from around the globe, highlight their unique missions, and give a little background on what it means to be special forces around the world.
What Are Special Forces?
Special forces, sometimes called special operation forces (SOF), are specialized military units trained to carry out missions beyond the scope of conventional warfare. These units are equipped to tackle challenging objectives like reconnaissance, counterterrorism, and hostage rescue. In addition to combat and military operations, these units engage in humanitarian missions such as disaster relief or training allied forces. Usually, they work in smaller teams, employing unique tactics and advanced weaponry to achieve their goals with greater precision. Militaries all over the world have special forces, including the U.S. (Green Berets and SEALs), The U.K. (Special Air Service), China (Snow Leopard Commando Unit), and Russia (Spetsnaz).
The training regimen for the world’s best special forces is among the most demanding. Candidates undergo grueling physical and mental tests to push their limits and ensure they have the endurance, ingenuity, and resilience to serve their countries and carry out missions efficiently. This rigorous preparation ensures these soldiers are always ready to handle the many extreme conditions they’re often forced to endure, such as remote jungles, arid deserts, or urban guerrilla combat zones.
The History of Special Forces
The origins of special forces can be traced back to ancient history, where elite warriors such as the Spartan Krypteia or the medieval Knights Templar carried out specialized missions. However, the modern concept of special forces began to take shape during World War II.
During the war, units like the British Special Air Service (SAS) and the American Office of Strategic Services (OSS) were established to perform covert operations and sabotage missions behind enemy lines. These groups laid the foundation for many of today’s best elite forces. The OSS, for example, evolved into what is now the CIA and influenced the creation of U.S. Special Forces like the Green Berets.
In the following decades, special forces played pivotal roles in conflicts such as the Korean War, the Vietnam War, and the Gulf War. Their operations have expanded to include counterinsurgency, counterterrorism, and cybersecurity in the modern era. Today, nations worldwide maintain special forces units to address various threats, from traditional battlefield engagements to unconventional warfare.
The Gear Behind Special Forces
The best special forces units in the world all rely on specialized weapons and equipment to execute their missions effectively. For instance, many U.S. Special Forces units have the HK416 assault rifle, known for its reliability and adaptability in various combat scenarios. The British Special Forces often employ the L119A1 carbine, a lightweight and versatile firearm suitable for close protection work and room clearing. German Special Forces operatives have been known to use modified weapons variants, like variants of the G95 and G22 assault rifles, for medium and long-distance sniping. Historically, Russian Special Forces have issued AK-74 rifles but have been using modern AK-12 and AK-15 assault rifles more recently. These specialized weapons are complemented by advanced gear such as suppressors, night vision devices, and specialized optics, enhancing the operational effectiveness of these elite units.
Why Special Forces Matter
Special forces represent the pinnacle of military excellence and play a pivotal role in shaping the future of military operations. These military personnel are not just soldiers—their expertise in unconventional warfare, strategic influence, and rapid response capabilities make them indispensable in addressing complex geopolitical challenges. As we look to the future, the legacy of special operation forces seems to promise continued innovation in military tactics and weaponry.
With how critical special forces are, they rely on top-of-the-line gear to complete their missions. These specialized weapons are complemented by gear like night vision devices and specialized optics to enhance the effectiveness of these elite units.
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20 of the Best Special Forces Units in the World Ranked by Formation Year
1. Special Boat Service (SBS)
Country: United Kingdom
Military Branch: Royal Navy
Year Formed: 1940
Motto: “By Strength and Guile”
Nickname(s): “Swimmer Canoeists”
Primary Missions:
• Surveillance and Reconnaissance
• Offensive Action
• Support and Influence
• Military Counter Terrorism
• Maritime Counter Terrorism
Notable Operation:
Operation Barras (2000): The SBS rescued five Royal Irish Regiment soldiers and their liaison officer who were held hostage in Sierra Leone by a militia group. The operation also freed 21 civilians from Sierra Leone.
2. Special Air Service (SAS)
Country: United Kingdom
Military Branch: British Army
Year Formed: 1941
Motto: “Who Dares Wins”
Nickname(s): “The Regiment”
Primary Missions:
• Counter Terrorism
• Hostage Rescue
• Direct Action
• Special Reconnaissance
Notable Operation:
Operation Nimrod (1980): SAS stormed the Iranian Embassy in London to free 26 people that Iranian Arabs had taken hostage. They rescued all but one of the hostages.
3. Spetsnaz GRU
Country: Russia
Military Branch: Main Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (GRU)
Year Formed: 1949
Motto: “Only the stars are above us”
Nickname(s): N/A
Primary Missions:
• Reconnaissance
• Direct Action
• Unconventional Warfare
• Infiltration/Insertion Behind Enemy Lines
• Sabotage
Notable Operation:
Warsaw Pact Invasion (1968): Spetsnaz captured the Prague Airport in order to crack down on the Prague Spring. The airport was seized without firing a shot.
4. United States Army Special Forces (Green Berets)
Country: United States
Military Branch: U.S. Army
Year Formed: 1952
Motto: “De Oppresso Liber” (Free the Oppressed)
Nickname(s): “Quiet Professionals,” “Commandos,” “Soldier-Diplomats,” “Snake Eaters,” “Bearded Bastards”
Primary Missions:
• Unconventional Warfare
• Foreign Internal Defense
• Direct Action
• Counter Terrorism
• Special Reconnaissance
Notable Operation:
War on Terror (2001): The Green Berets were among the first US troops deployed after the 9/11 attacks. They coordinated the initial bombing campaign and helped overthrow the Taliban.
5. Special Services Group (SSG)
Country: Pakistan
Military Branch: Pakistan Army
Year Formed: 1956
Motto: “I am valiant”
Nickname(s): “Maroon Berets,” “Black Storks”
Primary Missions:
• Foreign Internal Defense
• Reconnaissance
• Direct Action
• Counter Terrorism
• Unconventional Warfare
• Search and Rescue
• Hostage Rescue
• Security Assistance
Notable Operation:
Operation Zarb-e-Azb (2014): The SSG was in a joint military offensive against militant groups where they targeted and killed the Global Operations Chief of al-Qaeda, Adnan Gulshair.
6. Special Air Service Regiment (SASR)
Country: Australia
Military Branch: Australian Army
Year Formed: 1957
Motto: “Who Dares Wins”
Nickname(s): “Chicken Stranglers,” “Snake Eaters”
Primary Missions:
• Special Reconnaissance
• Long-Range Reconnaissance and Surveillance
• Counter Terrorism
• Direct Action
• Counter-Insurgency Operations
• War Fighting
• Hostage Rescue
• Advisory and Training Assistance
Notable Operation:
Vietnam War (1968-1971): The SASR successfully conducted nearly 1,200 patrols and inflicted heavy causalities on the Viet Cong, who nicknamed them “Ma Rung” (Phantoms of the Jungle) due to their stealth.
7. Sayeret Matkal
Country: Israel
Military Branch: Israeli General Staff
Year Formed: 1957
Motto: “Who Dares Wins”
Nickname(s): “The Unit”
Primary Missions:
• Combat Search and Rescue
• Counter Terrorism
• Hostage Rescue
• Irregular Warfare
• Reconnaissance
Notable Operation:
Operation Entebbe (1976): Sayeret Matkal rescued 106 passengers and crew that had been held hostage in Uganda after an international flight had been hijacked by militant groups and flown there.
8. Jaeger Corps (JGK)
Country: Denmark
Military Branch: Royal Danish Army
Year Formed: 1961
Motto: “Rather to be, than to seem”
Nickname(s): “The Jaegers,” “The Elite”
Primary Missions:
• Long-Range Reconnaissance
• Parachute Operations
• Counter Terrorism
• Capturing High-Value Targets
• Direct Action
Notable Operation:
Operation Anaconda (2002): JGK contributed to reconnaissance and raids on Taliban and al-Qaeda forces as part of the War in Afghanistan.
9. U.S. Navy Sea, Air, and Land (SEALs)
Country: United States
Military Branch: U.S. Navy
Year Formed: 1962
Motto: “The only easy day was yesterday"
Nickname(s): “Frogmen,” “The Teams,” “Team Guys,” “The Men with Green Faces”
Primary Missions:
• Direct Action
• Special and Hydrographic Reconnaissance
• Unconventional Warfare
• Counter Terrorism
• Sabotage
• Intelligence Gathering
• Training and Advising Friendly Forces
Notable Operation:
Operation Neptune Spear (2011): The SEALs raided Osama Bin Laden’s compound in Pakistan and shot and killed him following a 40-minute raid.
10. Group D’Intervention de la Gendarmerie Nationale (GIGN)
Country: France
Military Branch: French National Gendarmerie
Year Formed: 1973
Motto: “Commitment for life”
Nickname(s): N/A
Primary Missions:
• Counter Terrorism
• Hostage Rescue
• Surveillance of National Threats
• Protection of Government Officials
• Critical Site Protection
• Targeting Organized Crime
Notable Operation:
Air France Flight 8969 (1994): GIGN stormed a flight that the Armed Island Group of Algeria had hijacked. They killed all the hijackers and rescued 229 passengers and crew.
11. Spetsgruppa “A”
Country: Russia
Military Branch: Russian Federal Security Service (FSB)
Year Formed: 1974
Motto: “Victory and Return”
Nickname(s): “Alpha Group,” “Alfa”
Primary Missions:
• Black Operations
• Counter Terrorism
• Extended Police Duties
• Paramilitary Operations
• Covert Operations
• Protecting Strategic Installations
• Protecting Russia’s Leaders
Notable Operation:
Operation Storm-333 (1979): Alpha Group stormed and killed Afghan leader Hafizullah Amin, which marked the start of the Soviet-Afghan War.
12. Delta Force
Country: United States
Military Branch: U.S. Army
Year Formed: 1977
Motto: “Without Equal”
Nickname(s): “The Unit,” “Task Force Green,” “D’Boys”
Primary Missions:
• Counter Terrorism
• Hostage Rescue
• Direct Action
• Special Reconnaissance Against High-Value Targets
Notable Operation:
Operation Red Dawn (2003): Delta Force conducted a joint search for the president of Iraq, Saddam Hussein, and captured him after finding him hiding in a “spider hole.”
13. Gruppo di Intervento Speciale (GIS)
Country: Italy
Military Branch: Carabinieri
Year Formed: 1978
Motto: “Faithful through the centuries”
Nickname(s): “Leatherheads”
Primary Missions:
• Counter Terrorism
• Hostage Rescue
• Anti-Hijacking
• Surveillance and Security
• Protection for Executives and Sensitive Targets
• Training Foreign Police
Notable Operation:
Operation Alba (1997): GIS led a peacekeeping effort that helped the Albanian government restore law and order during the Albanian Civil War.
14. Einsatzkommando (EKO) Cobra
Country: Austria
Military Branch: Austrian Federal Ministry of the Interior
Year Formed: 1978
Motto: “Prepared for everything”
Nickname(s): “Task Force Cobra”
Primary Missions:
• Counter Terrorism
• Hostage Rescue
• Executive Protection
• High-Risk Tactical Law Enforcement
• Tactical Special Operations
• Special Reconnaissance
• Surveillance and Security
• Crowd and Riot Control
Notable Operation:
Vienna Terrorism Plot (2024): EKO Cobra uncovered and neutralized a terrorism plot by the Islamic State that targeted a Taylor Swift concert in Vienna.
15. Marine Commando Force (MARCOS)
Country: India
Military Branch: Indian Navy
Year Formed: 1987
Motto: “The Few, The Fearless”
Nickname(s): “The Crocodiles,” “The Bearded Army”
Primary Missions:
• Maritime Operations
• Conducting Raids
• Reconnaissance
• Counter Terrorism
Notable Operation:
Operation Pawan (1987): MARCOS successfully conducted an amphibious raid to capture two harbors in Sri Lanka without casualties.
16. Group for Operational Maneuvering Response (GROM)
Country: Poland
Military Branch: Special Troops Command
Year Formed: 1990
Motto: “Siła i Honor! Tobie Ojczyzno!” (Strength and Honor! For you, Fatherland!)
Nickname(s): “The Surgeons”
Primary Missions:
• Unconventional Warfare
• Anti-Terrorism
• Infiltration of Enemy Lines
• Sabotage
• Reconnaissance
• Hostage Rescue
• Extensive Medical Training
Notable Operation:
Operation Uphold Democracy (1994): GROM joined other special forces to remove the military regime in power after the 1991 Haitian coup d'état overthrew President Jean-Bertrand Aristide.
17. Joint Task Force 2 (JTF2)
Country: Canada
Military Branch: Canadian Special Operations Forces Command
Year Formed: 1993
Motto: “Facta Non Verba” (Deeds not words)
Nickname(s): “Silent Professionals”
Primary Missions:
• Counter Terrorism
• Direct Action Raids
• Hostage Rescue
• Maritime Special Operations
• Special Protection
• Special Reconnaissance
Notable Operation:
Operation Lightwater (2006): JTF2 rescued human rights workers from Christian Peacemaker Teams who were held hostage in Iraq. Three of the four hostages were rescued.
18. Kommando Spezialkräfte (KSK)
Country: Germany
Military Branch: German Army
Year Formed: 1996
Motto: “Der Wille Entscheidet” (The Will Decides)
Nickname(s): “Wolves of War”
Primary Missions:
• Black Operations
• Counter Terrorism
• Hostage Rescue
• Direct Action
• Irregular Warfare
• Special Warfare
• Military Advisement
• Executive Protection
Notable Operation:
Operation Enduring Freedom (2006): The KSK carried out numerous operations during the War in Afghanistan, including a successful raid on an al-Qaeda safe house for suicide bombers.
19. Snow Leopard Commando Unit (SLCU)
Country: China
Military Branch: People’s Armed Police
Year Formed: 2002
Motto: N/A
Nickname(s): N/A
Primary Missions:
• Counter Terrorism
• Hostage Rescue
• Anti-Hijacking
• Anti-Terrorism
• Bomb Disposal
• Crowd and Riot Control
• Counterinsurgency
• Executive Protection
Notable Operation:
Xinjiang Conflict (2011): SLCU was sent to support anti-terrorism police operations and provide security in Xinjiang after attacks and violent protests by Muslim extremists.
20. Fuerza de Guerra Naval Especial (FGNE)
Country: Spain
Military Branch: Spanish Navy
Year Formed: 2009
Motto: “Serenity and Audacity”
Nickname(s): “Frogmen,” “Green Berets”
Primary Missions:
• Inland and Maritime Reconnaissance
• Direct Action
• Hostage Rescue
• Counter Terrorism
• Counterinsurgency
• Ship-Boarding
• Military Assistance
• Evacuation Operations
Notable Operation:
Operation Atalanta (2011): FGNE stormed a pirate skiff to rescue a French woman who had been taken hostage from her yacht. The seven pirates were detained unharmed.